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Are you teaching "La nourriture" or "l'alimentation" to your Primary Immersion or Core French students? This fun bundle focuses on a variety of vocabulary games using 30 common food items.
Save 20% off the individual price of each individual product when you purchase all 6 Food themed packages together as part of this bundle!
For a detailed look at each individual package, please click on the links below:
Vocabulary used in this bundle includes: carotte, bleuets, pomme, banane, brocoli, chou-fleur, laitue, riz, craquelins, concombre, tomate, céleri, poire, orange, pomme de terre, raisins, fraises, melon d'eau, fromage, beurre d'arachides, pain, framboises, boeuf, oeuf, lait, yoghourt, barre de céréales, céréale, fèves, poulet